I’ve been doing some testing with ERPNext for some time now and reading along and posting on the forum for little over a year now.
Time has come to decide if I’m going to implement ERPNext for my day to day operation, be it the cloud version or self-hosted. As I’m a one-man business we could argue if an ERP solution is not overdoing it, and maybe it is. But before starting my own company I have been working for company’s who were working with Outlook, Word, Excel etc. Although you’ll be fine in de beginning but when time passes you seems to lose control. One of the most frustrating things I was confronted with on regular basis was that it was very hard to get a good overview of all the communication (emails, calls visits, notes, etc.) there was with a client over the years. This should be easy to deal with in CRM system.
Unfortunately, I found so far that ERPNext is at least lacking some futures when it comes to communication and especially when considering communication by email. I asked several questions on the forum and raised some GitHub issues of email related behavior of what I think are probably bugs. Unfortunately, I don’t get any real answers, which surprises me as from my point of view, email is the nr1 communication media these days. But somehow there seems not much interest in it. So I still wonder how users of ERPNext work with email communication on a day to day basis.
So far for the long introduction, my question is:
I would like to be able to get an overview of all the communication (email, phone, visit, internal note) there has been with a certain contact. Where ever I wright contact you could also read; lead, customer or supplier. At this moment you have to go to the contacts page and there you can find the communication that has been created directly from the contacts page. Communication that has been created from a related document (Q, SO, INV, etc.) is not listed underneath the contact.
I added custom fields to the Communication doctype, beeing x_contact, x_lead, x_customer, and x_supplier. By linking these fields to the related contact or lead, customer, supplier. I can see all related communication with a contact by selecting his record in the list filter of the communication module. This works ok but the problem is that I have to set these custom fields manual and that is not a practical solution.
Can these fields be automatically set by a custom field?
So let’s say I add a comment to a SINV, it will create a new communication document. could a custom script execute on the creation of the document fetch the contact and custommer the SINV is linked to and set these to the custom fields?
Or am I thinking in a completely wrong direction and is there another possibility to achieve an overview of the communication?