I need User wise transaction filter in lead

Hi Guys,
I need User wise transactions for example: “A” user ,the A user, responsible transactions in lead need to show at a time i need a filter
Thanks in Advance

Need to explore!

You can check with the lead owner, the lead owner is a type of user.

i need assigned leads to A user also needs in the same filter coul you guide me for that “lead owner” and "assigned to " both filters need at same time

Check it.

guide me to need two filter at same time
Thanks in Advance

If you want to enter the static user and apply the two filters at a same time then you have to apply the listview client script. Dynamically to add user then maybe, not possible.

can guide me for the static user need clientscript for listview for lead

Lots of reference in the forum so search it.

code need put in client script or in server script??

listview client script. It’s a js code and js code will be set in the client script.

frappe.listview_settings[‘Lead’] = {
onload : function(listview) {
frappe.route_options = {
“lead”: “Assigned to”
this code not working please help me out!

Hi @sathya_raj,

Please check the field name and set it into the script. Provide lots of references, just you have to set the field name.

Please check it.

frappe.listview_settings['Lead'] = {
    onload: function(listview) {
        frappe.route_options = {
            lead_owner: "user1@test.com",
            _assign: ["like", "%user1@test.com%"]

Easily Solution without a script.

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