I presume there is a scheduled dB task that runs and cleans up deleted records so they do not get left in the Awesome bar Search results. But I have found lots and lots of old contacts that have been deleted weeks ago when I do a search
I’ve tested this in demo.erpnext.com and the contact is shown in search straight after being deleted which is ok. But how long should I wait before the entry is cleaned up?
I presume there is a scheduled dB task that runs and cleans up deleted records so they do not get left in the Awesome bar Search results. But I have found lots and lots of old contacts that have been deleted weeks ago when I do a search
From the code my guess is the search list ‘aging’ is not time-based cleanup but fixed length stack based. For eg . the code has limit_page_length=page_length with the value 10!?
I can’t say where this query history list is persisted. Possibly one of these tables but I need to inspect these more
select * from __global_search;
select * from __UserSettings;
select * from __ListSettings;