Image not displaying properly :(

whenever i upload an image it doesn’t appear it was working fine on Thursdays but today not working

Hii @mubasher-hasan

Run “bench clear-cache” and “bench clear-website-cache”
from your frappe-bench directory.
Please note that these commands may not resolve the issue in production mode, so make sure to check privileges as well.

@Manav_Mandli not working
actually i am fetching it from another document called item
and there is no direct option to fetch image so first i fetch attach item image and then from that item image i fetch image on thursday this worked but today not working hehe

if i change the item type and come again then it shows up it is fetching correctly but not on the first time

:smiling_face_with_tear: I believe everything is functioning well.

haha yes it was until Thursday but not working today infect I didn’t made any changes .

Please check the video.

Mr @NCP It worked few days before now not working i can share the details please check out

Again recreate the same scenario and check it.

If not worked then bench build --force and migrate the site.

no the image is displaying but it displays after i change the item and click back on see here

item is selected

now i select other field and comeback again

now the item is showing