Install Frappe framework in Ubuntu24.04 LTS ( Pip3 install frappe-bench )

did you use the script?, i used it many times and did not have any problem!.
@flexy2ky is the script creator, he is helpful, may help you in this situation.

i installed 3rd time and now it’s working fine , i was just testing , and will switch to windows again after sometime.


Great to hear that good luck with frappe :slight_smile:

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@rs115199789 Happy to hear so, Good Luck with Frappe ! :star_struck:

Please if any of the above replies was the solution please indicate it so that others will not stuck at some points with frappe installation, or if it was different way could you please post it and mark it as solution. Thank you :innocent:

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It was a issue with my python and Ubuntu version and while installing the app I tried to create user and then did something wrong with the path I guess but then I saw the video tutorial of @TRACKOMATIC_INDIA as earlier it was quite helpful and boom again I’m able to install the same.

Thanks to all of you.

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