Installing India Compliance App

Hi Community,
While i try to install india_compliance app into my site I’m getting the below error
Installing india_compliance…
Incompatible Frappe Version:
Frappe version 15.9.0 not compatible with India Compliance 16.0.0.dev0
Please switch to version 16 of Frappe to use the current version of India Compliance.

Hi @Abai,

Because you installed the develop branch,

if you erpnext installed in version 15 then india_compliance must be have in version 15.

bench get-app --branch version-15

Reference: Please switch to version 16 of Frappe to use the current version of India Compliance. · Issue #1666 · resilient-tech/india-compliance · GitHub

If you already installed then please apply the command:

bench switch-to-branch version-15 india_compliance
bench update --patch

Thank You!

Thank You @NCP

I’m having the frappe version of 15.10.0 and the above link u provided in india_compliance v15.5.7 even that is not supported

Because the version of Frappe and ERPNext you have is not compatible with the India Compliance version 15.5.7. So, you need to update both the Frappe and ERPNext versions because many bugs have been fixed and new features have been added.

Thank You!

To which version i need to update the current version of erpnext and frappe


ok @NCP
Thanks for your Help

Frappe v15.3.0 and above should have been sufficient.

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I’m having frappe v15.10.0 but it shows u need frappe version 16 to install india compliance

You’re likely installing from the develop branch of India Compliance. Use the version-15 branch instead.

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that also i tried even for that i getting a message as frappe version 5.10.0 is not compatible with india-compliance version 15.5.7

That is correct. You may need to update frappe and erpnext to the latest releases first.

There are some dependencies that need to be resolved. So follow these steps:

  • update Frappe and ERPNext to latest version-15
  • Install India Compliance version-15 branch

The install should go through successfully.