This not seems like your AWS privacy issue, Check the - sudo pip3 install certbot-dns-route53 have you run this command. And must have atleast one team.
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘agent_sentry_dsn’ is undefined
The error appears to be in ‘/home/erpadmin/frappe-bench/apps/press/press/playbooks/roles/agent/tasks/main.yml’: line 19, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
name: Generate Agent Configuration File
^ here
I am not getting from where we will get the reference for the name in server.
The “agent_sentry_dsn” is referenced 3 lines further down in the file:
If the “and” construct tries to evaluate the undefined variable in the second branch of the “and”, then the construct seems to be wrong. It would only work correctly if it were built as a construct where the second part will not be evaluated if the variable is undefined, e.g. the second “and” condition should be inside a separate inner block after the first “and” condition.
This might be a bug, or something else could be wrong.
This needs precise knowledge of how ansible evaluates such expressions, and about the general construction of the yaml files of such playbooks.
Hi, Do you have detailed steps for process to set up the press.We are struggling in setting up the proxy server itself. The local development setup document is having high level process.
My bench is Stuck on the installing State Everything is Working Fine the Site is up and the Deploy Candinate is Also Working Fine. I have Deploy the Frappe App the Site is Up and the App is Up Using the Docker Container I am Attaching the Pictures So you can Over view the Complete Details
This the Picture of the Deploy Candidate Which is Active State
This is the site i used To Deploy the Frappe App So its Already Active and The Containers Are Working Fine if i Visit this site I can See App is Working
So I guess your press workspace is broken, i.e. doesn’t show?
That’s because it hasn’t been upgraded since version-13 / Workspace v1
Press currently uses frappe version-15
Further to this it appears the hybrid feature has changed and still requires two servers, see below.
I have come to the conclusion it is possible to install everything on one server, you just have to create your own ansible playbook and Server action in press.
in my case the first time i build proxy server the internal IP not was requested and this give me the problem.
After that i fix and then the problem was with nginx config, in nginx config file search for someting like original or subnet network(i dont remember) put the ip of press server, try rebuild the server and voila!
if you can share the logs is better.
this was mine:
Understanding the set_real_ip_from Directive
The set_real_ip_from directive is used in Nginx to define trusted addresses from which it accepts X-Forwarded-For or X-Real-IP headers. This is typically used when Nginx is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer.
Valid Values: IP addresses or CIDR blocks (e.g.,
Purpose: It ensures that Nginx correctly logs the client’s real IP address rather than the proxy’s IP.
Security Note: Misconfiguring this directive can lead to security vulnerabilities, such as IP spoofing. Always ensure it’s set to trusted sources.