Instead of item code how to get the item name in purchase receipt

Hi team,

when i create purchase receipt in that i select the item that
item_code :-IT0001-11

so when i select the item in the purchase receipt
in the item code filed whole item code are display instead of that i want to show only the item name how to do this …

Thanks & regards


You can set display field in view setting option.

Can you please tell me the exact location step by step
it will help ful for me

@Solufy plz could you give more details, still not clear thx


You can customized purchase receipt item form and checked “In List View” buit in ERPNext property and displayed the Item_code and name while access item code and also displayed the name second column.


Already check the box in list view
it will show the complete item code


You can refer below post.

In my case instead of item code like

item code :ITEM001-test-item
when i select item code then i want to show only the name of the item like test-item

creating sales order when user select the company & customer after that select the item in that select one item i want instead of item code i want to show the item name instead of it code

see this Instead of item code how to get the item name in purchase receipt