Introducing POS Awesome


Please update POS Awesome wiki pages with the latest version funcationality.

Thanks in Advance. :grinning:

I really would appreciate some help with that :blush:


how can we show non stock items in POS ?
it’s not showing nonstock items. I need to show some service items in POS .Please can you someone guide me how to do that.

Thank You

Hi, does POS Awesome do multi currency tender? I am trying to used two currencies for payments but the second currency configured as USD just shows the local currency name and acts as the local currency even though I have the exchange rate configured.
In the image 5 USD should be 10 BBD and change should be 5.05

Hello @youssef

I just tried deploying POSAwesome on a new server but i am faced with the errors as seem in screenshot and it breaks my site

Any ideas what could be my issue ?

We linked POS awesome with a mobile app.

Please let me know your comments.


Hello. Very useful app. Where can this be downloaded?

Trying to set up LogsNX, dont quite understand how to

The newer version is in approval with iOS and Android. As soon as it is approved, i will let you know.


Thank you.

This application is free to use, or is there pricing attached? There must also be some plugin/ modules to install in erpnext as well right?

1 Like

Looks nice. Good work.

we love it

This is great

Well done @youssef have you checked this out ?

Hello. Is the app available now?

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@youssef Hi Now I’m currently using frappe v14. I want to use POS Awesome in v14 but POS Awesome is not supported in V14. when will we get POS Awesome for Frappe V14?

Hi. If you offer @youssef a paid job for upgrade I am sure he can give you a date on which V14 will be ready. Else he doesn’t have any incentive for putting in his efforts for migration.


Hi, approved yet?

@youssef pls update it for V14 humble request… we call can contribute… let me know buddy…


Hello, has anyone implemented the POS Awesome on version 14. Kind regards