Lowering the pile of issues on github - Call for Volunteers

While you are tagging issues, also add a :+1: to issues (not as a separate comment) you want to see implemented, so we can get an idea of what to prioritize for the roadmap.


guys would like to help out id is “bohlian”

Hello i know the list is complete but here is my id gh: RandyLowery in case theres need for more volunteers.

What a great turnout! Let me know if I can help. github id: @agritheory

I would like to help. GitHub username jk2081

I’d be happy to contribute as well
Github: @ishanloya

Hi Team,

I will be happy to contribute.
Please add me to the list, My github: nick9822



I’ll gladly help out.
github: Ooops-404

@vrms and team, I have a question for feature/enhancement request and localization. I like how we are marking defects/bugs with a label. Would it also not be a good idea to tag/label new features and localization issues as enhancements along with the module? Would make it easier to find them that way when we want to target a release based on a module and enhancements only as an example. Thoughts?

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my personal take on this would be:

  1. let’s try to stick with the right terms generally (which is 'label', not ‘tag’).
    Why? it’s just crystal clear that way. One of our goals as a Community is to get more people engaged and that includes to educate the inexperienced who can start contributing with simple things and likewise enable coders to focus on more complex tasks. Whether we talk in wrong terms with anyone mistakes are likely to happen and communication will have much more back and forth then necessary (aka: waste of time). I’ll keep mentioning this

  2. Let’s keep that labels as defined here for this round (which is already underway since almost a week)

  3. Let’s start a separate discussion whether github issues are a good a tool to steer the development process of ERPNExt in general and (if so) how we could make use of githubs labels, milestones & projects to organize that

I am all good with using proper terms. A good consistent glossary if very important.

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a short status update on the labeling efforts

Currently there are 432 unlabeled issues left. Can we finish them till Wednesday?

Edit: 425 unlabeled issue to go

Invited everyone else, sorry for the delay

Please add a profile pic to your github account, so that its easy to identify you!

I did a bunch of work on the list today. Its down to right around 300. I have noticed a few things that I would like to bring up here:

  • If a member of the Frappe team/foundation picks up and assigns an issue to themselves or to a milestone then they should also properly label it as well.
  • There are a number of issues getting opened with hardly any (or zero) description. What is the policy on these? My take is if the submitter cannot take the time to give a detailed description then we should close the issue as such (e.g. comment as too little detail). @Tropicalrambler is excellent at submitting detailed issues. We could all learn and use his issues as good examples.
  • There are a lot of issues that I am marking as “framework” label. The vast majority are probably frappe issues and not erpnext. How do we help the community differentiate? Should I create a cross-issue in frappe and close the erpnext one?
  • There are a number of issues that should really be discussed here on the forum first. I have closed a number with reference to discuss first. Hope that is ok.



Lets keep track here. This issue list gets a lot more attention. For new issues we can start posting them on the frappe repo

I would emphasise on a “complete” description rather than a detailed one. Sometimes a detailed discussion leads to something that is non-specific.

status update: 256 unlabelled issues to go

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down to 166 … keep going, almost there!

Should this activity be extended to the frappe repo as well?

We are down to 2 - I don’t know how to label them.