Once all Salary Slips are created, you can use View Salary Slips to verify if they are created correctly or edit it if you want to deduct Leave Without Pay (LWP).
After checking, you can “Submit” them all together by clicking on “Submit Salary Slip”
Why does the Documentation say this when it is not so? The Salary Slips cannot be edited after the Salary Structure is submitted and this is a big issue for organizations with a large workforce and varying salary components
Additional Salary can be used as a sort of workaround but still too tedious when you’re dealing with hundreds or even just 10s of employees. It would make sense to most Payroll Managers to be able to edit the Salary Slips within the ‘Salary Register’ report view while they’re still in Draft. This way, it’s almost like working with a spreadsheet… you can immediately see that the figures are adding up as expected and then you Submit them using the Payroll Entry when everything’s okay
This flexibility is very important for a normal User Experience. Practically every Payroll Manager I’ve encountered are dismayed at how rigid ERPNext is when it comes to making changes in the Payroll
Well you can edit salary slips when they are in draft, hence, the documentation mentioned it. Screenshot attached below with an example. I could change the value in LWP in the salary slip that I generated via payroll entry.
Thanks for your insightful answer. Our major concern however is explained in my post. How do you make adjustments in employees’ salaries without creating hundreds of new Salary Structures, Salary Assignments, or Additional Salaries every month?
Got your point, currently this is not possible. You will have to create new salary structures in case of increments and reassign them. Use additional salary for variable pay.
Yes, it is tedious process when you have large no. of employees.
I am facing the same problem . I am not able to edit the salary slips once I have generated them through the payroll and when they are in draft . The only change I can do is I can edit the Leave without Pay. But I want to edit other salary components as well for all employees as there are some components in the salary structure which vary each month . If I could edit the salary slips it would have been much easier task . Does anybody have a workaround for this other than using additional salary . Please Help.
We did customize the employee doctype and add a deduction and earning table then we add additional code to the salay_slip.py to pickup other deductions/earnings once the salary_slip generated
Everytime a deduction change its value we adjust the deduction table in the employee doctype.
This is a temp fix until a permanent solution is made.
Thanks a Lot for such a quick reply. I will try to implement what you have suggested. As I am not that experienced in erpnext yet…I might find it a bit difficult…I have to spend some time on it . Overall I have understood what I can do based on your explanation . But surely if I am stuck somewhere I will again reach out to you here. Again Thanks a lot for the help .