Monthly Attendance Sheet

Type in “Fiscal Year” in our search bar.

In Fiscal Year i am trying to add the company and Upon saving it automatically vanishes.
I add the company RK in the table.

Upon Saving it it just Vanishes

Did you try refresh or reload?

Yes! Everything mam i tried to add again and again but no luck.!
What could be the problem?

Do you have a muti-tenant setup (2 or more company)? Please check your Global Defaults too if there are entry in the Fiscal Year. (Type Global Defaults in search bar)

I have just a single company named RK.

You already have a calendar set-up. Can you try accessing your Monthly Attendance Sheet again?

Still the year field is blank.
Dont know what the problem is.

Can you pls do bench update

I am trying to update the bench but i am getting an error saying commit your changes first.
But i already saved all the files so what it could mean?


Still no luck mam even after updating the bench!

Hi @Ujjawal please read on this thread here

Hi there,
Still the problem persists.

Hi there,
The problem still persists and also all my work that i have done since one month has been deleted.
How can i restore it to past backup i have.
I have a backup of date 28/09/2016 so how can i restore it to that date.
I am unable to understand about restoring the files after migrate is done.
I mean the path i didnt understand.
Do I need to extract the too which contains “files.tar” and "private_files.tar"?
or should i now run the bench?

Hi @Ujjawal did you do migrate? If you want to restore, please look for the zip file which has the “.sql” file.

For the process of restoring please refer to this link.

Please be careful also when trying to manipulate databases. You can backup your current data before doing restore.


Also, regarding your date issue in Month Attendance Sheet report, you can check its python script to trace which date it is looking into:

Yes I have the sql file

After updating and loosing the data monthly attendance sheet does show year now. :')

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