Multitenant setup please help


The error you were getting was because the mysql service went down.

@JoEz is right, 512Mb of RAM is too less, use a 1Gb Droplet or more. Scaleway gives 2Gb RAM VPS for 3 Euro/ Month, you can have a look at that as well.

Also, when you install using the command :

python --production --user frappe you create a new user called frappe and all the files are installed there, so to do anything related to bench , you actually want to switch to that user first by doing su frappe from root, and then run commands. Also the reason you can’t see bench folder is because the naming was changed from bench-repo to .bench (which works as a hidden folder) if you do ls -a you will see it just fine.

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yes i was thinking about that thank you i will check for it

i think this can be close thanks for you support

sorry how many websites i can run on a server with 2 gigas ram?

Depends on the amount of users, and data. Can’t really put it down to numbers. Just make sure to host somewhere that provides scalable hosting.