Need help installing my setup in another hard disk

Hi Guys ,

First let me thank you guys for such a wonderful software . I tried my best to not to touch the erpnext standard modules and do my customizations by creating a separate app but I added few fields ( without customize form) to the standard modules and finished my project , now I want to install these modifications (the whole setup) to some other hard disk as my present hard disk started making noise as an indication it is going to fail soon . Could anyone please guide me by telling the commands to install my setup on another hard disk .

Or else if I clone my hard disk , will I be able to work in the newly cloned hard disk .


Are you familiar with github? Easiest would be to push your project to github, then you can pull it to any machine. But that will be bit of learning curve, if you do not know github.

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Hi ,
@KanchanChauhan.Thanks a lot for the swift response . I am new to github , I don know how to push my project into github and pull it back in another machine . Could you please guide me on how to do this ?

Will I get this working if I clone my hard disk ?


Cloning should work fine.

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In many cases, hard-disk will fail without noise.
If you read below post, you can understand no server is secure. So after migrating to new system setup daily backup.

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Many thanks for the response @KanchanChauhan.

Thanks for the reply @kolate_sambhaji . I am a novice so I prefer to clone instead of pushing my project to github which involves lot of procedures . In this case is there any clear documentation on how to do this ?
If not could you please help me with the scripts to accomplish this .


You can use disk clone software.
e.g. Best Hard Drive Cloning Software for Windows (Video & Bootable)
Disk Copy/Cloning Software for Easy Data Migration (Windows 11 Supported)- EaseUS® Disk Copy Pro Edition

Hi @kolate_sambhaji .

Sorry what I meant was different ,typo error . I know how to clone a hard disk , what I was asking is , I need a clear documentation on pushing my project to git and pulling it back on another server .


I need to make this documentation.
Till you can use this link

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Hi , @kolate_sambhaji. Yes , thanks a lot for continued support . This is what I was looking for , but I could see some words like commit your changes , how to commit a change , in which directory should I start , I am a newbie to git so could you please guide me with a step by step procedure with terminal commands ?

Thanks a lot