These are not “items” or “services” that I sell. I use them. Some I will never use again, some will be used again but in a different way. You definitely do not want to clutter your item list with all of them
The appropriate way that ALL other ERPs that I know of handle this situation is to allow the user create a purchase order/invoice against an expense account. So you have the option to create a PO/Invoice for
an Item
or expense account
or even both in one invoice.
This is a basic need and if it is not in ERPnext yet, the team needs to quickly include it.
Sorry if I sound critical, am just surprised that’s all.
But with journal you can make necessary accrual in erpnext.Create a group called Provision and Accrual as a direct child of Current Liability.Create the account and use journal to carry out the necessary posting
But I think using Journal you will not be able to update the vendors account. The transaction may show as an acrual in your balance sheet, but you will not be able to track which vendor you are owing.
Or am I wrong??
@Pawan then all your expenses will go to one expense account, that is not ideal
@olamide_shodunke you can update the vendor in the journal.It allows you to select the vendor.If the vendor is a trade creditor you need not create another group you just create the vendor as a party in account payable but if you want to further differentiate your account payable into Trade Creditor and ;Provision and Accrual you will need to create another group but in all the supply account can be selected in the journal
@olamide_shodunke, looks like your issue is resolved but for your information you can enter or override the account at the purchase invoice Item line details.