Offline First Open Source POS for ERPNext

I installed TailPOS as per the manuals given in this link

but in the App both mobile and tablet, there is no Sync or Force Sync button shown. Please suggest.

Hello @Prasanna_CSA,

Can you do a screenshot? What tablet are your using? How many inch is the device?


Hi @ccfiel

Tab I used is Amazon Fire 5th Gen. Display size is 7-inch.

In 10-inch Amazon Fire, Sync and Force Sync are shown but as I hit the button the app is closed.

Hello @Prasanna_CSA. As of now, the buttons will appear if the three fields (url, username, password) has values. In the url, you need to enter the full or whole link like Make sure you follow the instructions here.

Thanks! @Prasanna_CSA.

Hi @jiloyssss

I entered all details as per your suggestion but instead of syncing, the application is closed.

I tried the app on my Galaxy Note 8. In the sync settings menu, I can enter address, email and password (in clear text!) but the sync and force sync button are out of the screen and I cannot scroll to see and click on them.

Iā€™ll try again with a tablet later!

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Hi @Prasanna_CSA, did you put https:// or http:// at the beginning of the url because as of now, it requires http:// or https. It will crash if there is no protocol at the beginning off the url
We updated the documentation for syncing
Thanks! @Prasanna_CSA

I used http:// as it is not yet secured.

Hello @Prasanna_CSA, i think your settings is fine. Did you setup your erpnext like in the documentation? you need to edit your frappe/, clear the cache and bench restart it. Please check again the documention. Thanks!

Sync button not showing on Huawei MediaPad T3. I entered all information as described above but the sync button is not showing.

As a suggestion, donā€™t you think it will make sense to allow the option to sync from the default page before users are logged in for the first time? As i see in the settings in ERPNext, attendants and owners can be created from within ERPNext, hence it is logical to allow sync without initial first login so attendants data and company information can pulled from ERPNext on first install rather than creating an owner before login to sync.

hello @Prasanna_CSA,

Can you create a issue in our github Issues Ā· bailabs/tailpos Ā· GitHub we will try to solve our issue. One thing I notice your site cannot be access


Hello @ccfiel,

I agree, is not working. Now, I also tried with The image I sent was taken when I used; same issue app is closing automatically. As @jiloyssss suggested, I cleared cache and restarted bench. I guess I should try with a new instance againā€¦

Created an issue App closing when Sync button is hit Ā· Issue #7 Ā· bailabs/tailpos Ā· GitHub.


It seems the Android App cannot adjust to an 8-inch screen because i canā€™t see the sync button even though the right sync information is entered.

Hello @flexy2ky

Could you try again updating your TailPOS app? The production track was not updated in builds.

When try edit the company test on 5" phone

And i was unable to sync erp next ver 10.1, already edit the as docs say

What is your current version for ERPNext and Frappe? If you happen to have v11, you donā€™t have to edit the

i use v10 frappe and erpnext,

Clear your cache and donā€™t forget to bench restart.

i use frappe 11 and i can sync. what bluetooth printer can support tailpos i have MPT II but cant detect on tail pos. and i post some issue regarding categories