I am facing same Issue
Panic Level: High
How i can go back previous version for example to v12.0.8 ??
You have to go to the erpnext folder (And then the frappe folder) and execute:
git checkout v12.0.8
I do that then execute bench migrate
i git version 12.0.8 then execute bench restart
I git this when trying login to the system
Try bench migrate again. If it does not work, edit your /sites/SITE_NAME/site_config.json and set maintenance_mode (or something like that) to 0
Go to config folder (cd config) then open common_site_config.json and change value of “maintenance mode”:1 to 0 and save. then do bench restart
“auto_update”: false,
“background_workers”: 1,
“maintenance mode”:0
“file_watcher_port”: 6787,
“frappe_user”: “mukane”,
“gunicorn_workers”: 3,
“rebase_on_pull”: false,
“redis_cache”: “redis://localhost:13000”,
“redis_queue”: “redis://localhost:11000”,
“redis_socketio”: “redis://localhost:12000”,
“restart_supervisor_on_update”: true,
“restart_systemd_on_update”: false,
“serve_default_site”: true,
“shallow_clone”: true,
“socketio_port”: 9000,
“update_bench_on_update”: true,
“webserver_port”: 8000
} to {
“auto_update”: false,
“background_workers”: 1,
“file_watcher_port”: 6787,
“frappe_user”: “mukane”,
“gunicorn_workers”: 3,
“rebase_on_pull”: false,
“redis_cache”: “redis://localhost:13000”,
“redis_queue”: “redis://localhost:11000”,
“redis_socketio”: “redis://localhost:12000”,
“restart_supervisor_on_update”: true,
“restart_systemd_on_update”: false,
“serve_default_site”: true,
“shallow_clone”: true,
“socketio_port”: 9000,
“update_bench_on_update”: true,
“webserver_port”: 8000
Thanks, @Nahuel_Nso, @Azhar_Islam
I am now in v12.0.8 until solve the problem in last version
@Nahuel_Nso, @Azhar_Islam
am facing a new problem after login to system all list view is empty and I can’t add new records
like this
Try bench build
Thanks I am grateful for your help and fast response
I get the same error on upgrading. Additional info: I have one site for testing with almost no data in there and, there the error is not shown. Also git checkout v.12.0.8 does work ( cd apps/frappe first ;-))
Kind regards,
Due to time difference, I doubt that there will be a solution to this problem today. I have just restored a previous backup and continuing to work on version 12.0.8.
Fixed with the latest release!
PR: fix(nestedset): check if meta has nsm_parent_field by sahil28297 · Pull Request #8333 · frappe/frappe · GitHub
Release: Release Release v12.0.10 · frappe/frappe · GitHub
I followed this thread due to the same problem and ended up reverting back to 12.0.8 except that it was actually reporting v12.1.0 when I finished. So, just following this post I issued another bench update and this is what I get:
Also, I’ve update to python3 but I see here that we are still making calls to 2.7?
Try going to the app folder (frappe and erpnext) and execute:
git checkout version-12
Thanks, that was it. My reported versions are:
erpnext 12.1.0
frappe 12.0.10
Is this correct?
I think it is
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edit: @Akram_Mutaher @alkuhlani contribute that’s how community works - you get the idea