Overriding a JS file

Hello Team,
We have a requirement where we have to override the grid.js and list.js from the webshop and do the necessary changes.

How to override the js files from webshop to the custom app.



Refer hooks

Thanks for the reply

We are aware of frappe js file overriding
But the concern is regarding webshop js file

Any lead or update on overriding the JS file from webshop application


check the reference:

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I am also trying to override views.js
i have created the
class CustomWebshopProductView extends webshop.ProductView and at the end of the file webshop.ProductView = new CustomWebshopProductView;
i loaded on hoooks web_include_js = “web-js.bundle.js”

After all i get this error: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null

What am i doing wrong or not doing well ?

Thanks in advance