Query report for filters

i have create the simple query report with filter but the filter doent carry any values. it show s blank.
the date range is working but company not showing values
si.item_code AS ‘Item Code’,
si.item_name AS ‘Item Name’,
si.qty AS ‘Quantity’,
si.net_amount AS ‘Net Value’,
s.customer AS ‘Customer’,
s.company AS ‘Company’
tabSales Invoice Item si
tabSales Invoice s
si.parent = s.name
s.posting_date BETWEEN %(from_date)s AND %(to_date)s
AND s.company = %(company)s;

Hi @Rajkumudu_Rk,

Please check the post.

Thank You!

I did exactly what you showed. But it didn’t work. I gave customer name directly and it works. When filtering it shows nothing.

Hi @Rajkumudu_Rk,

Why use a select field type for company?

Please set the Link field type and also add the option “Company” in the company filter.
After then reload and check it.

Thank You!

Nothing Change

Hi @Rajkumudu_Rk,

Please check it.

    si.item_code AS 'Item Code',
    si.item_name AS 'Item Name',
    si.qty AS 'Quantity',
    si.net_amount AS 'Net Value',
    s.customer AS 'Customer',
    s.company AS 'Company'
    `tabSales Invoice` s, 
    `tabSales Invoice Item` si
    si.parent = s.name
    AND s.posting_date BETWEEN %(from_date)s AND %(to_date)s
    AND s.company = %(company)s;

Thank You!

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It works
Thank you indeed. I have no words to thank you