Redirect to My Account after signup/login

Hey guys,
What is the solution to have a user redirected to My Account /me page after signup and login ?

There seems to be no settings for this so perhaps it needs a custom development ?

Has anyone done it before on v13 ?

Thank you in advance.

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You can use session hooks, on

Take a look here:

Hope this helps.

Thank you for your assistance.

Unfortunately I do not have programming experience and am relying on the kindness of this forum to achieve a few things …

Hope it’s not too much to ask.

try to visit login page with redirect-to query param. e.g.

Sure but I would like to implement this solution for all the website visitors :slight_smile:


I’ve tested this, and it’s working on v14. After login, system will route navigation to the user form, opening his own record.

You need to edit file . It is located under your app folder (yourbench/apps/yourapp/ Add a line like this:

app_include_js = "/assets/app_name/js/yourapp.js"

Create a yourapp.js file in yourapp/public/js folder.
In this file, write this

$(document).on("startup", function () {

Please, note that
yourbench is the name of your bench folder on your server
yourapp should be a custom app to preserve your customization in future updates.

Maybe there is an easier method for achieve your requirement… :slight_smile:
Hope this helps.


You can do it in Website Script
like this

$(function () {
    if (location.pathname == "/login" && ! && ! localStorage.getItem("session_last_route")){
        const url = new URL(window.location);
        url.searchParams.set('redirect-to', '/me');
        window.history.pushState({}, '', url);



In case of this script also check if redirect-to already exists, only set it if it doesn’t exist.



will test for all query strings so if there is anything after ? in the url it won’t perform this appending.

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You guys are amazing and I thank you sincerely for you assistance and proactive results !

Cheers to everyone

This solution is working properly, but can we give this on the basis of a specific role? When ‘Sales Manager’ login that time it should be redirected to the lead list view.

Thanks in advance

You can use default-homepage hooks, on
However, system users are always redirected to /app
so you can use the solution

to redirect them to /index

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Thanks @amadhaji

It is working fine.

Thanks a lot…

If not in Website Script doctype, if directly in code where to put this code? Thanks

It is working fine in website script.

Yes I know.
But what if I want to use the script in code file (maybe to hide it from user?:slight_smile: )

@rahy, you can use
web_include_js in hooks

Ok sir thanks .