Restoring from older backup

@l4cky & @NCP

Thanks for trying to help my issue. I finally managed to solve it and here’s the route that worked for me:

Found some errors while doing bench update --reset, when it tried to migrate bench. It reported issue with version of HRMS. When the old backup was done (way back in March 2023, hrms Version-14 branch was active.

On the new install, hrms 15.0.0-dev is active.


  1. Created a new bench, created new site and installed apps, then restored the old backup (with some warnings / errors)
  2. Took cue from article: Changes to branching and versioning · frappe/hrms Wiki · GitHub
  3. bench get-app hrms --branch version-14
  4. cd apps/hrms
  5. git fetch upstream version-14:version-14 (which did not go through)
  6. git checkout version-14
  7. cd …/…
  8. bench update --reset (success, with warning: Assets for Release v14.40.0 don’t exist)
  9. banch start

Voila, the old site is now UP and WORKING with data of March 2023.

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