I agree entirely - so if I can work out how it is supposed to work, I may try and create some access tests… This will require either Cypress tests or just using requests to check http status (which I have used before in my custom app for checking access controls).
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On a positive note, speaking of tests these automated ones that run constantly are encouraging and reassuring - the current counts are
772 erpenxt tests here
446 frappe tests here
These counts below are a bit higher, from ‘do nothing’ test cases I think:
frappe@ubuntu1804lts:~/frappe-bench$ find apps/erpnext -name ‘test*.py’ | xargs grep ‘def test*’ | wc
799 2407 93304
frappe@ubuntu1804lts:~/frappe-bench$ find apps/frappe -name ‘test*.py’ | xargs grep ‘def test*’ | wc
488 1473 44618