Salary Formulate for Working Hour Based Salary

I do have script that will create wokrers timesheet using whole month attendance. now my problems are

  1. Need to deduct lunch hour time from working hours time ( no deduction if employee not present gone early before lunch begins)

  2. Salary stucture assignments, all workers on diffrent pays like 60 variations of hourly wage. finding out the way still

if you have access to the code of your instance then you can add a field in SSA called rate that will be fetched in salary slip

can i make that rate dynamic for all employee ? i have added field in employee doctype thats hourly wage now i want that in single assignment of salary stucture i can make work of all diffrent hourly wages

yes you would need access to your instance code

because the rate field in salary slip based on timesheet is being fetched from salary structure, you would need to override that

Thanks for your help, yes i do have running on my vps i have custom installed all things