i’m trying to raise a new Sales Order
via rest api. After calling the insert function frappe returning Sales Order voucher no but it is not inserted in reality when i checked in the portal. Also, i confirmed this by checking the voucher no. its always returning the same voucher number that is not saved SO-KDY-2022-00247
this is the model data i’m trying to insert
'doctype':'Sales Order',
'branch':'Kondotty T P',
'customer':'Mubeen Api 5',
'tax_category':'Cooked foods',
'taxes_and_charges':'In State GST - TMY',
'shipping_address_name':'Mubeen Api 5 - Billing-1-Billing',
'customer_address':'Mubeen Api 5 - Billing-1-Billing',
'shipping_rule':'Within 5 Kilometer',
'parenttype':'Sales Order',
'item_code':'Margarita Pizza',
'parenttype':'Sales Order',
'charge_type':'On Net Total',
'description':'CGST @ 2.5',
'account_head':'CGST - TMY',
'parenttype':'Sales Order',
'charge_type':'On Net Total',
'description':'SGST @ 2.5',
'account_head':'SGST - TMY',
'parenttype':'Sales Order',
'description':'Within 5 Kilometer',
'account_head':'Delivery Charge - TMY',
'coupon_code':'RS 120 OFF',
This api is for a flutter application integration with frappe erpnext.