Is possible to send customer statement automatically,
if he as an outstanding?
This feature is not available out-of-the-box in ERPNext. Auto-email Report feature allows you to send auto-emails to your internal/system users only. Perhaps you can use Email Alerts for intimating your Customer on Unpaid/Outstanding Sales Invoices.
is there any github for this feature?
This would be a great function. It seems that if you establish a contact which is “default billing contact” for a customer, you should be able to generate an auto email function which sends out the customer statement for that customer to their designated default billing contact. This would be a very useful report/tool.
any good news about this feature? any workout
Is there any update on this?
Here are two topics on that - a work in progress it seems?
Jasper Reports Customer Statements
Multiple Customer Account Statements - #53 by Albertus
Customer Statements - Aging Report · Issue #14653 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
Note also this ‘stalled’ PR feat(AR/AP): Group By, Cost Center, Mark Overdue by SaiFi0102 · Pull Request #17668 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
Thank You @clarkej
We actually use jasper reports for most of our reporting.
At Standerton Mills we use my Jasper Reports Statements to send to Customers.
We recently “Upgraded” our statement to add interest on statement without invoicing as we use interest as a “Motivation” for payment and rarely have customers paying the interest.
I added a screenshot of the Statement we use now.
Anyone interested to add Jasper Reporting to their ERPNext can contact me via email:
Thank You
Albertus Geyser
I posted my solution a few weeks ago. It does not do automatic sending but I am sure this can be built in.