Setup wizards error in Version 10


I inserted data in ERPNext version 10 development environment for wizards using bench console command but it gives me following error. “Failed to setup company”. Please help to resolve this error.

In [1]: args={“language”:“English”,“country”:“India”,“timezone”:“Asia/Kolkata”,"
…: currency":“INR”,“full_name”:“Harsh”,“email”:“harsh.mehta@augustinfotecht
…: e Jio”,“company_abbr”:“SE”,“company_tagline”:“Provide Services”,“bank_ac
…: count”:“HDFC”,“fy_start_date”:“2017-04-01”,“fy_end_date”:“2018-03-31”,“u
…: ser_sales_1”:0,“user_purchaser_1”:0,“user_accountant_1”:0,“customer_1”:"
…: Heyans",“supplier_1”:“Meet”,“item_1”:“Bottle”,“item_group_1”:“Products”,
…: “item_uom_1”:“Unit”,“is_sales_item_1”:1,“is_purchase_item_1”:0,“add_samp
…: le_data”:0,“setup_website”:0}

In [2]: from import setup_complete

In [3]: setup_complete(args)
Out[3]: {u’fail’: u’Failed to setup company’, u’status’: u’fail’}

Is there any reason you are using console to set up company and not doing it from the browser?

Hello Pawan,

In previous version of ERPNext when we create data from browser then it will give us error and if we go through console then it will successfully executed. So since then we are using console for creating data for wizards. Also, we have tried browser for version 10 but also it gives us error like in my above thread.


Hi @Harsh_Mehta

Could you tell me how to run command code to setup company? thanks.

Hello ,

I follow below steps.

Step 1 : from frappe-bench directory just type " bench console" command. then pass below steps hit enter at every steps. Then your company will be created.

In [1]: args={“language”:“English”,“country”:“India”,“timezone”:“Asia/Kolkata”,"
…: currency":“INR”,“full_name”:“Harsh”,“email”:“harsh.mehta@augustinfotecht
…: e Jio”,“company_abbr”:“SE”,“company_tagline”:“Provide Services”,“bank_ac
…: count”:“HDFC”,“fy_start_date”:“2017-04-01”,“fy_end_date”:“2018-03-31”,“u
…: ser_sales_1”:0,“user_purchaser_1”:0,“user_accountant_1”:0,“customer_1”:"
…: Heyans",“supplier_1”:“Meet”,“item_1”:“Bottle”,“item_group_1”:“Products”,
…: “item_uom_1”:“Unit”,“is_sales_item_1”:1,“is_purchase_item_1”:0,“add_samp
…: le_data”:0,“setup_website”:0}

In [2]: from import setup_complete

In [3]: setup_complete(args)

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Now i have tried with browser then it will successfully setup. But it will gives me error while using bench console.

Harsh_Mehta may be referring to this [Mar-2017] Showing there were error during setup ERPNext - #19 by revant_one

My args for wizards and that revant post args are same.