Shopify orders does not sync


My Shopify connector stop syncs my order to the SO and SI. It does sync the item and customer.

No error is showing up. Can anyone please help?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @hariskadir

I have error my system can’t syns orders correct ( Shopify and ErpNext use Timezone +08:00) . So I find the root error is timezone from updated_at_min when get json /admin/orders.json

So I edit code change use timezone to utc and It run, pls check, and update code thanks.

utc_dt = timezone_abbr.astimezone (pytz.utc)
return 'updated_at_min="{0}"'.format(utc_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))


Original code

def get_filtering_condition():
	shopify_settings = get_shopify_settings()
	if shopify_settings.last_sync_datetime:

		last_sync_datetime = get_datetime(shopify_settings.last_sync_datetime)
		timezone = pytz.timezone(get_time_zone())
		timezone_abbr = timezone.localize(last_sync_datetime, is_dst=False)
		return 'updated_at_min="{0} {1}"'.format(last_sync_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), timezone_abbr.tzname())
	return ''

Fixed code

def get_filtering_condition():
	shopify_settings = get_shopify_settings()
	if shopify_settings.last_sync_datetime:

		last_sync_datetime = get_datetime(shopify_settings.last_sync_datetime)
		timezone = pytz.timezone(get_time_zone())
		timezone_abbr = timezone.localize(last_sync_datetime, is_dst=False)

		utc_dt = timezone_abbr.astimezone (pytz.utc)
		return 'updated_at_min="{0}"'.format(utc_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

	return ''
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Dear @vinhnguyent090 I don’t have in the path ‘erpnext_shopify/erpnext_shopify/’ the function def get_filtering_condition():

please tell me what to do

Hi pls check again,

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See @vinhnguyent090 if I reset last sync date to last date, it works. means order syncing
is it that problem?

Hi @zia

yes. you can check again and next sync (after 1 hour)

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Dear @vinhnguyent090 I’v done what you said but it didn’t solve the problem
now even if I change the time to past does not sync the created order
can you please tell me what is wrong at all

Hi @zia
Current I don’t know why your app can’t sync orders.
Or you can test access link to get order json. It return orders or not. Link get order json you can check in shopify app.

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Thanks a lot its fixed now!!!

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Hi you can share what problem with your app. And how you can fix it. Thanks.