Some lables not being translated

hello everyone…

i am having some problems with the translations, i have translated every single thing in the file exported via bench but still have somethings not changing like:
Human resources module name
Tools and others…

si there something wrong or what?
the have lable for Human resources and it have the _() already…

Does it happen on the latest version?

@rmehta, i have 2 servers: 1 production and 1 development and both have same issue, last update made today 3 hours ago…

@ramielian run bench clear-cache

@max_morais_dmm done following tens of times but nothing changed:
Bench update
Bench update --upgrade
Bench clear cache
Bench watch
Bench get-translations (throws an error wrong host name
Rebooted many times
The problem basically present since last month which is first time I tried it…