Stock availability on website showing "not in stock" yet I have stock

When I search an item or when I select the item groups or when I view all items, the items availability appears as not in stock.

But when I click the item, I can see that there’s stock in all the variants

Please assist. This was the case before the update recently released

On which version you are facing this issue?

Am using v10.0.19 online version


any advice on how to proceed?

Hi ONW, do you find how to solve this?

No I haven’t it’s still a problem for me.

Still the problem exists?

Please create a github issue

Hello @ONW,

You can configured same warehouse for both placed “Target Warehouse” and “Website Warehouse”.
Please see below snapshot.


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I think the issue has to do with item variants. The template for all variants does not have stock as per ERPNext design, coz as you can see the warehouse details are the same for the target and website warehouse.

Templates don’t hold stock as per ERPNext design. The design should either change such that the template should hold the sum total in Qty for all the variants it should not be editable or in the website if the variants have stock then the item has stock in the site

Can anyone advise if the ecommerce features for erpnext is ready for use ?

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