Stock ledger entry doctype

i want to customise a doctype like stock ledger entry can u give me some notes that can help me fulfil it its look like a report for me but its not a report its a doctype but how do i make the fields that i want to show from other doctype as read only and whats the type of this doctype who can help me my and provide me some notes or details and thank you.

Hi @lmahdy1,

To customize a DocType like Stock Ledger Entry in ERPNext, you would first identify the specific changes you need, such as displaying certain fields from other DocTypes and making them read-only. You’ll then create custom fields within the Stock Ledger Entry DocType to accommodate this information, setting them as read-only if required. If the data needs to be dynamic, you might use Link fields to fetch information from related documents. For complex logic or calculations, Server scripts can be written. First, try locally then check or deploy on the live server.

Already @avc shared the documentation or script.

For further information, you can examine the code/structure logic of the main document type or the stock ledger entry doctype.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

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