Strange behaviour from Table MultiSelect

So I have two MultiSelect fields in my custom doctype:

"field_order": [
   "fieldname": "inv_lst",
   "fieldtype": "Table MultiSelect",
   "label": "List of Invoices",
   "options": "List of Invoices"
   "fieldname": "quot_lst",
   "fieldtype": "Table MultiSelect",
   "label": "List of Quotations",
   "options": "List of Quotations"

Now, when I populated inv_lst all is well.
However, after adding objects to qout_lst and clicking save, the objects disappear from quot_lst.
The only thing happening before save is a validation script to test if a boolean is true.
very strange…

@abrefael go to list of quotations and go to list of invoices doctype make field mandatory
in both doctype

Tried it, but it didn’t work… :unamused:

@abrefael can you share ss of both doctype

 "actions": [],
 "allow_rename": 1,
 "creation": "2024-05-16 14:24:09.272360",
 "doctype": "DocType",
 "editable_grid": 1,
 "engine": "InnoDB",
 "field_order": [
 "fields": [
   "fieldname": "quot",
   "fieldtype": "Link",
   "label": "Quotation",
   "options": "Sales",
   "req": 1
 "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
 "istable": 1,
 "links": [],
 "modified": "2024-05-16 14:24:49.652099",
 "modified_by": "Administrator",
 "module": "Custom Module",
 "name": "List of Quotations",
 "owner": "Administrator",
 "permissions": [],
 "sort_field": "modified",
 "sort_order": "DESC",
 "states": []


 "actions": [],
 "allow_rename": 1,
 "creation": "2024-05-16 14:10:57.453349",
 "doctype": "DocType",
 "editable_grid": 1,
 "engine": "InnoDB",
 "field_order": [
 "fields": [
   "fieldname": "inv",
   "fieldtype": "Link",
   "in_list_view": 1,
   "label": "Invoices",
   "options": "Invoice",
   "req": 1
 "index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
 "istable": 1,
 "links": [],
 "modified": "2024-05-16 14:23:42.942756",
 "modified_by": "Administrator",
 "module": "Custom Module",
 "name": "List of Invoices",
 "owner": "Administrator",
 "permissions": [],
 "sort_field": "modified",
 "sort_order": "DESC",
 "states": []


@abrefael please write “reqd”:1 instead of “req”:1 then check it its working

Doh! :man_facepalming:t4:
I will check tomorrow. …

You need to make sure the fields in your Quotations List are set to “In List/Grid View” from the field properties.

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This did not work (although, I did make a foolish mistake from being too tired).

This worked!
Thank you.
Is it anywhere in the documentation, or (this time) it wasn’t me?

Hi, references are already available in forum, so look at this.

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