Please pa attention to this again
as it is not solved yet, at least not in developement version via
Please pa attention to this again
as it is not solved yet, at least not in developement version via
hi @rmehta
details can be found with the github issue
Time picker problems · Issue #8102 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
there still seem to be problems with this as of
ERPNext: v8.x.x-beta (2965f92) (develop)
ERPNext Shopify: v2.0.13 (master)
Frappe Framework: v8.x.x-beta (677abfb) (develop)
Mandrill Integration: v0.0.1 (master)
please see here:
I dont know what else to say guys
I dont know why this isnt solved even though all referenced issues are closed.
Maybe this (Timesheets) isnt the focus of the community.
However for me to move from version 7 into version 8 which soon will be version 9 I need this to operate reliable I need it to work as good as it does in V7. And since this issue was never solved since version 8 I start to give up hopes it ever will be
Please dont get me wrong. I love every new feature if it works but not if it renders previously working ones confusing and hence useless I wouod rather live in the old world. I think the new timepicker was a good idea that caused more stress then use at least for the timesheets.
Sometimes the old saying “never touch a running system” is just true
Hi, we apologize for the frustation it caused you. The github issue you linked, was specifically related to timezone issue.
However, what you described is also an issue, and should have been solved.
Will be working on it to fix it asap.