To import large data, Increased nginx session timeout, updated gunicorn worker but how to increase the gunicorn session timeout?

Hello Community,

Have to import not thousands of data, almost it is 700 items. But, still timeout issue there. I can do it in batch, but not convenient for 100s of time. A bit researched. This documentation helped a bit, but not working (I don’t know why, might be due to permissions or I have .xlsx file instead of .csv)

Anhow, I researched at ERPNext Forums. Got to know from here, If we can increase session timeouts can lead to successfully upload data.

At Here, @felix told these values to check at nginx.conf, but not introduced how to play with this. In addition to above, Here they mentioned, how to check these values? I’m asking these because, like us. This is definitely going to help the beginner as well.

Anyway, Updated nginx timeout with help of this doc and also Increased the number of gunicorns workers and also run these commands.

At Now, I had updated everything required except this gunicorn sesion timeout value. Somewhere, noticed that -w 1 -t 120 I have to update -t integer but really don’t know where to increase the session timeout on gunicorn.

Also, Let me know, This will work for successfully import large data to ERPNext?.
Also, wants to tag some awesome people of ERPNext Community, can help over this issue. @rmehta, @gvyshnya, @nabinhait

Thanks a lot from Aaimaa Web Solutions Team.


There is no answer for us? The question is just “Don’t know where to increase the session timeout on gunicorn.”

I inserted details here, because If someone arrives at this question for their answer, they do not have to case study again. Mentioned link will help them what they exactly looking for.

@aaimaa: there are some discussion threads that can be helpful in the context of your questions/research