Translation for action in Purchase Receipt not working correctly


I can see that values for activity log are set directly from english(is taking the key?)

for example

Here we can see that value [Received Quantity] is not translated to “Otrzymana ilość”.

this is the place on github where translation is created frappe/frappe/public/js/frappe/form/footer/version_timeline_content_builder.js at e8153fc2b67c92558fd2ac86eb66dbae07cc07fe · frappe/frappe · GitHub

alse we can see that Status is also taken from EN and some of the numebers are not translated like " [Nine Hundred And Thirty Eight only]"

Sometimes you have to use the Translation doctype for that. please check the reference: How to translate these list elements? - #2 by NCP

Hi, thanks for reply.

No it is not about custom translations. Looks Translations doesn’t work after “From”(in polisch “od”) but are working after “TO”( in Polish “do”).
Also you can see that Two Thousend is not translated after OD but it is translated after “do” (on green).
Two Thousend in polish is Dwa tysiące so looks like we have translations in the system.