Unable to run ERPNext on virtual machine

Yes that or you could dual boot - search for eg ‘ubuntu dual boot windows’


if you install Ubuntu direct on system and using erpnext direct on it then it will work no need virtualization
but in case you want to use virtual box image copy then you need virtualization

To escape from virtualization. I signed up for google cloud ERPNext. And it seems it’s working fine for me.

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gr8…that must be Bitnami’s ERPNext right !!

Yes Bitnami ERPNext image. Does it have some shortcomings?

Have read issues with Bitnami from few posters on forum. I cant confirm anything as I have never used that. Always stuck to DO or Vultr. If not a local Ubuntu server machine. If it working fine then no need to search further.

I changed from bitnami to ubuntu on GCP. Though could not figure out how to backup from bitnami and restore to ubuntu. I used another backup file and entered manually the 5 days record. Thanks everyone for your valuable inputs :heart_eyes_cat: