Custom App Themes for Erpnext

Hello community i like to share this custom app with customized css for a dark material look like theme for frappe. Yes it is an app so you can install and uninstall at your will.

the link GitHub - RandyLowery/ni_dark_theme: Dark Theme for frappe

Check out readme for installing

Here are some custom screenshots


@Randy_Lowery very nice job. I will have to install and test the theme. Is there any chance you you making a light version as well?

yes ill try to make a light version too. This one was my first app so next one would be more business like, probably in a week ill have ready.

@Randy_Lowery I finally got to install the app and I must say nice job. It could be a start to developing color scheme for the site and i material design so it nice

Check Out the new light version with minimal material styles. Github Link GitHub - RandyLowery/nilighttheme: Ligth Material Based CSS for Frappe



Beautiful! :tada: :tada:

Great work @Randy_Lowery, congratulations! and thanks very much :slight_smile:

beautiful themes @Randy_Lowery! I will try them soon.
Do you have also themes for the frontend website?

@Randy_Lowery Really Done a Great Job!..:+1:

so not a material desing lover? no problem check out this new elegant and minimal theme GitHub - RandyLowery/business_theme: Custome theme for frappe


@Randy_Lowery Wow, that looks very nice!
I must say that’s one of the first custom theme’s that I like more then the default one.

Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

Hi Randy,

Would you be able you think to use your apps to develop our own custom theme with dashboard , etc… Not having an AdminLTE theming is killing us. Would be willing to pay for development.

@Randy_Lowery How did you change the ERPNext icon in the left-top corner to a custom icon? Is that a system setting?

@Randy_Lowery nice work can’t wait to try them out

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no, but you can achieve that by replacing your logo in /home/frappe-bench/sites/assets/erpnext/images. Change erp-icon.svg to your-logo.svg and reload your web browser

hello, @veloce im sorry but im not familiar with the admin lte console or how to implementing it yet.

How You can change the icon in navbar

Hello We are Creating Custom Apps for ERPnext Themes which can be install on your ERPnext without touching your Core files

Here are the some screenshots

if you are looking for cutsom themes for your ERPnext please connect



Hi @saba_ilex

Do your themes style the Desktop as well? The 2nd screenshot looks a bit like a Dashboard

Please confirm


Hello @wale Yes the Screenshot is a DashBorad
where we added the Custom Widgets so you can add as many widgets on the dashboard as you want.

We also Create Custom themes based on the UI Provided :slight_smile:

Thanks ,
Saba Shaikh

@iFeras93 @Bas_de_Reus You can do that by changing the image path in config.js file in public folder