Users will not be able to re-arrange standard fields

Hi @revant_one

Thanks for your comment, I fear about such a solution.

Is there any chance (without patching the sources) to re-arrange the original fields, maybe also in hook or via script?

Thanks for help

The script I mentioned is to be added in Setup > Custom Script, for doctype Lead

That will not modify any source in lead.js

Hi @revant_one

yes, thanks, I got that this would be included as a Custom-Script

My question was, if there is an option for a CUSTOM script to RE-ARRANGE the existing fields as well and not to create new fields and put them in sync.

@revant_one @rmehta

Hi guys, I hope I had not annoyed you. It would be kind to get the info if there is in any way an option for a custom script to re-arrange core fields or not.

I can understand your reasons and decision that you have revoked that functionality in general. But creating a lot of equal and fields in sync just for re-arrangement is also boring.

Thanks for a short feedback in advance

@TomFreudenberg if you want a change, it should make sense for everyone and you should add it in the product. Else there is no easy way I know to re-arrange.

Hi @rmehta thanks for your comment.

You mean change as PR to do such kind of re-arrangements? But that would break again your decision from this post. So, we have to agree to your decision and stay with it as it is or choose custom fields in sync. In the moment I can’t see kind of solution which is aligned with your decision, do you?

Or suggest something better!

Hi @rmehta

again, I won’t annoy you, sorry if I do. I see the dilemma and can agree to your decision - currently I have no better suggestion.


P.S.: If using the option to create new custom fields and keep them in sync, is it possible to create database or server triggers to sync the data or is it valid (as mentioned by @revant_one) to just sync the fields content on the client side form hooks?

The Custom Script is client side.

To add server side validation use doc_events in of your app.
Thanks to @kolate_sambhaji for the blog post explaining doc_events with example -


@revant_one @rmehta

Thanks for discussion and helpful information


@TomFreudenberg @revant_one @kolate_sambhaji, we are always open to new generic field arrangements.

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One change that I would suggest is a cleanup/condensing of customer info in documents like sales order & quotation:

This is not an easy part. What about using Report Builder also as Form Builder. So the field arrangements are not anymore have to be “equal” to their Doc_Type.


Sorry for joining this late in the conversation, I just recently upgraded my system and due to this feature removal I noticed the new negative effect in my quotation form.

I’m using some items which have very similar names and sometimes it’s good to actually show the description in the grid view. That’s why I implemented a scheme where in one column in list view I could display them like this:

No | sku: name   |  pricelist rate | qty | discount | rate | amount

This made quotations really easy because I could instantly see what I’ve put and if needed make some alterations to the description texts for some products.

And even when I added new products I could revise the grid really fast and make sure everything was OK. In order to achieve the view above I had to move the description section break and the description field after the item name.

After the upgrade since order was fixed this presented a new column in list view, which of course was pretty wide causing rates,discounts and pricelist rate to disappear. Also 39px height was introduced to grid item rows making the text overlap with other elements.

I am unable to move the description field to the original position, and adding that to the 12columns limitation means I can in no way display the description field in the item grid unless I hide rate/discount or pricelist rate or all of them.

This is really bad for my quotations workflow. Now each time I add an item I have to do the following steps

  1. click on Preview
  2. select my custom print format
  3. see if changes need to be made in the print format
  4. click on edit
  5. scroll back and find the element that needs changing
  6. click on the expand icon
  7. edit description
  8. click on the collapse icon
  9. click on Preview
  10. select my custom print format
  11. check that the change is reflected correctly
  12. click on edit
  13. scroll back to my element.

Previously it was

  1. check the grid for mistakes using mouse wheel
  2. click on the expand icon
  3. edit description
  4. click on the collapse icon

As you can see 9 clicks were introduced in my workflow and I have no way to work around it because I’m not permitted to reorder the fields.

How can I achieve this without creating equivalent custom fields for every single one of the standard fields?
Thanks in advance


I think also, that rearranging fields is a must have in every customizable ERP system. All big player have this ability.

As @TomFreudenberg suggested a formbuilder would be a great idea. Maybe with the option to reset the form to the default-layout, which is given by the DocType. But the customizer must be able to rearrange the fields for fitting the needs of the users.

In real live every scroll or mouseclick is playing a role in customer-satisfaction. There we compete with old, high optimized systems.


We have run into this same issue when attempting to rearrange fields to better suit our users.
We even went so far as to create our own doctypes, forms, etc to get around this

If it’s just a couple of fields, using hide on the original, then creating a custom field where when triggered, will set the value of the hidden one worked for me

I was able to rearrange standard fields from DocType. Just want to understand what is the difference between changing fields attributes or rearranging standard fields from DocType or from Customize Form?

Changes made in DocType will make changes to your local erpnext or frappe repository. You won’t be able to upgrade

Changes made in Customize Form are made into your specific database. It is upgradable.

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Sometimes for usability’s sake users just want to use the fields in a familiar fashion. Maybe based on an old system (paper or electronic).