Validate Workflow v11

this script doesn’t work anymore in v11.

frappe.ui.form.on("Employee Advance", "validate", function(frm) {
if (frm.doc.workflow_state !== "For Approval" && frm.doc.workflow_state !== "Saved")

if (frappe.user != frm.doc.project_manager)
   frappe.msgprint("You are not the Approver.");
   throw "Not allowed";


I had this working in v10.

In v11 it is not even executed. When the workflow_state is “For Approval”, the state is changed by anyone to “Approved” and Submit.

Can anyone provide a solution? Or maybe a better script that works ? :slight_smile:

Just change the event from validation to workflow_state it should work

so I think the problem is somewhere else. Workflow system has changed.

This is our workflow:


When left like this, any Projects Manager member could Approve workflow. I want to limit this to a specific person, hence the script.

But…in v11 there is this change:

This makes it possible for creator to override anything?!? I don’t understand.

The problem is, that if I uncheck this box, I as a creator can’t self approve any workflow, even if I’m member of the Projects Manager group and in our case also project_manager of the project.

But if I leave the box checked, I can approve all workflows and the above script doesn’t work.
Just to be clear, what I changed in script was:
frappe.ui.form.on("Employee Advance", "workflow_state", function(frm) {

can you help please?

So I digged litte bit into this…it seems for my particular case I don’t really need custom js scripts now and I could simple use condition in the workflow.

Question 1: - the below doesn’t work. I don’t really know how to debug this anymore, since it is not in js…and I don’t really know anything about python. Can anyone provie a correct syntax?
The problem is somewhere with frappe.user. If I change it to hard-coded string (just for test one user), it works.

Question 2: for the sake of other user cases, how to solve the initial problem and run js validate scripts on workflows?


Check this - your scripts may not be the source of the problem Help needed to convert this custom script to run in V11 - #2 by kolate_sambhaji

from my research it seems that v11 no longer fires an event during a workflow action I myself am still trying to find an alternative way

have you found any solution? I want to do something similar. when manager rejects an appraisal, I need to show a pop-up to get the reason for rejecting and then move to next state that is draft.