[Warning] Access denied for user '_5e5899d8398b5f7b'@'' (using password: YES)

did what you asked, i noticed that there are still actual images and containers left in docker.
should they not dissapear?

yes, they should all disappear, some of them still carry the old config files, you need to delete all of them before reinstalling erpnext

thank you again for your patience!!
will uninstalling docker completely, and reinstalling docker again not solve this issue?
I assumed doing that will install a completely new instance of erp next.
I’ve tried those multiple times also but still no good result. does docker store the databases somewhere that does not get removed when uninstalling docker itself?

Yes, you can uninstall and reinstall docker, it will delete all docker files from your system

Did you read through these posts?

I don’t think they’ll be any useful because they also run on Linux machine.

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I Have done this multiple times but still can’t get Erp next to run as it did the first time.
I will have to dig deeper then.

To reset everything change above sequence to following.

# stop container
docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
# remove all containers
docker system prune -f
# remove all volumes
docker volume prune -f --all
# remove all images
docker image prune -f --all

Clearing the volumes and images first will only clear them for deleted containers.

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Hi @revant_one

I followed your instructions. containers, images and volumes show nothing now.
Docker desktop also has a delete button to delete them, which I have done many times before.
am I ready now to reinstall erp next again?

And this is done by running the following command after changing to the corresponding directory?

docker compose -f pwd.yml up -d

I am using the zipped file from (GitHub - frappe/frappe_docker: Docker images for production and development setups of the Frappe framework and ERPNext)

@Thevoice the voice
still attempting to get erp next running.
completely new installation:
docker reinstalled.
cloned the github repository.
installed that as per the instructions.
see attached screenshot please.

the two containers, create site and configurator stops. they have complaints in the log files.
are they suppose to run or is it normal to not run?
what is the next step? where do i start faultfinding?

when logging into mariadb manually i can access it. the ip adress is also showing the % value. so it is not linked to one specific ip adress

Hey @jacobotha777 I have this error everytime I complete a new installation of ERPnext and this answer is the solution:

You need to rename the user to ensure it does not have any particular host linked to it. After that, all you need is stop the container completely and restart it again.

hi @Thevoice thanks again for the speedy response.
this is done. when checked it shows the %
should i send a screenshot confirming?

what else could be the issue?

is all in order as per your request to rename the user?

i have followed these instructions multiple times.
so currently it is a brand new installation, showing the acces denied error.

are you sure you are logged to the right mariadb container? cause the erpnext user is not in the table

underlined with red. i believe this is correct?

Delete your volumes cause apparently, ERPnext is trying to connect to a database with a user that is inexistent inside. Delete your volumes and reinstall ERPNext. Then if you have the issue again, simply log into the database, ensure the user is there and then use the rename command to remove the host ip address.

To delete your volumes, fist stop all containers and then use the command: docker volume prune -a

this is a new installation. so I am going to try the remove host ip again