Webhooks in ERPNext

go to app erpnext

and write git checkout then press tab till you see a message asking to show all possibilities press y.

it will give an output see if you can see master in that branch list. if yes then checkout to master

pymysql.err.IntegrityError: (1048, u"Column ‘track_views’ cannot be null")

you will get this issue in track_views, and probably also in two more search this error on this forum and solution has been provided for it already

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all i get is this, as many time as I press tab

I run ```git checkout master`` says; already on master

root folder and apps in apps folders are in *master branch

bench@mmerp:~/erpnext$ git branch
* master
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext$ cd apps/
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext/apps$ git branch
* master
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext/apps$ cd erpnext
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext/apps/erpnext$ git branch
* master
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext/apps/erpnext$ cd ..
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext/apps$ cd frappe
bench@mmerp:~/erpnext/apps/frappe$ git branch
* master

Is there any way to install a fresh specific version of erp? version 10.xx was stable for me.

so checkout into that branch

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I can’t

bench@mmerp:~/erpnext$ bench switch-to-branch 10.1.44
Branch 10.1.44 does not exist in Upstream for foundation
Branch 10.1.44 does not exist in Upstream for erpnext_shopify
Branch 10.1.44 does not exist in Upstream for erpnext
Branch 10.1.44 does not exist in Upstream for frappe_io
Branch 10.1.44 does not exist in Upstream for frappe
Switched to 10.1.44
Please run `bench update --patch` to be safe from any differences in database schema

bench@mmerp:~/erpnext$ git checkout tags/10.1.44
error: pathspec 'tags/10.1.44' did not match any file(s) known to git.

it should be git checkout v10.1.44

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There is currently no branch for V10.x.x. V10 is currently in the Master branch. :slight_smile:

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