[WORKING] Attendance with Biometric Integration through API

Are you at liberty to share your integration steps.

kindly visit camsunit.com to see the supported list

yes we can avoid seperate interface to mark attendance as you suggested before
device and API Inclusive of tax costs almost 12000 INR

@hereabdulla First I need attendance machine with REST api support.
Can you suggest any model?

Can you make code available with software and machine details?

The post has details about the brand, company’s url (not broken, try from different connections)
some code snippets.


Device details available in camsunit.com all their devices support api integration.

kindly refer the above post for code

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Hello @olamide_shodunke

The app I built is a c# desktop application so it requires a pc (those are the downsides), at least a mini pc, even a used unit(under $50) will do; and a USB fingerprint reader; the basic one used for things like Sim registration (used units are under $50)‎. Summarily:

  1. Collect fingerprint data offline or online
  2. Bulk enroll data
  3. Take attendance
  4. Initiate salary calculation based on absence (uses absence without leave in erpnext)

So essentially, it does the attendance and salary.

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The breakthrough by hereabdulla is interesting. If only there is a way he can give us a full description of what he did. I am sure when he is less busy he will update us.


Wow; that’s practical, that’s under $200! Correct! Then it’s a good solution!!

Yes; it seems straightforward; I believe you use the API to access the device and configure parameters such as the url to post data to, what to post, etc. ‎Since it’s a paid API; we can’t test it.

@noetico we use ubuntu and mac os, so its not practical solution for us to install windows.
Is there anyway to build your app for Ubuntu?

@hereabdulla Thanks for sharing your breakthrough in this area with the community.Surely many will need this.

Nope! I’m even more interested in this camsunit solution! Most clients will not want to have a pc at the entrance; this was built for one particular client and fits their needs; but will not fit most.‎

I’m really interested in knowing how Abdulla configures the API, and what needs to be done on erpnext side? Did he build an app in erpnext? Does it post with database credentials somehow? Etc and etc. This may be the solution the community needs. Something simple.

It is not libre free.

I guess if you buy their products they give the webhook service for free.

Following image shows the need of their cloud server.

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Dear Community,

I am Posting as how I done this.There is not much in ERPNext SIde as well

  • First I written a whitelisted method with guest access enabled that can be access by

  • in that method I am getting params returned from API by the Vendor

  • it has following params:

  • Based on the user I am marking attendance in ERPNext with in and out time.


@hereabdulla @revant_one
I am buying essl x990 as its supported device and also it has webhook.
Also it support ClockIt Time https://clockit.io which we can integrate further.

Any other device suggestion are welcome, as my first step is to get right device with api support.

@kolate_sambhaji @revant_one @hereabdulla we desire the best


just explain your proposal and I found clockit costly what is benefit ??

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