12h Time format

Hey everyone!

I’m trying to figure out how to set 12h time format. I tried to add to the System settings doctype format as h:mm a, but no luck. But I still see it in 24h format. How can I change time format for the whole system?

You can’t set it.

This is weird. Any suggestion how to fix it?
Or at least a ref point where I can dig into it to fix it for everyone?

And I am also curious, why this wasn’t implemented?

Its working for me you can use Client Script

Client Script

frappe.ui.form.on('Employee Checkin', { // Replace with your actual DocType
    refresh: function(frm) {
    onload_post_render: function(frm) {
    validate: function(frm) {

function format_datetime_fields(frm) {
    // Specify the datetime field name
    var datetime_field_name = 'time';  // Replace with your actual datetime field name

    var datetime_value = frm.doc[datetime_field_name];

    if (datetime_value) {
        var offset = -new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

        var offset_hours = Math.floor(offset / 60);
        var offset_minutes = offset % 60;
        var formatted_offset = (offset_hours >= 0 ? '+' : '-') + ('0' + Math.abs(offset_hours)).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + Math.abs(offset_minutes)).slice(-2);

        var formatted_datetime = moment(datetime_value).utcOffset(formatted_offset).format('DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss A');

function add_change_listener(frm) {
    var datetime_field_name = 'time';  // Replace with your actual datetime field name

    frm.fields_dict[datetime_field_name].$input.on('blur change', function() {

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