3rd ERPNext Conference on 15th October, Mumbai. Book your dates!

Dear all,

The 3rd ERPNext Conference will be on 15th October 2016. Would love to meet up everyone in the community!

Some thoughts:

  1. Presentations are welcome from the community
  2. We are thinking of having a developer workshop a day before on the 14th
  3. Should we have stalls?



it is showing 15th October 2015,I think it is 2016.
Am I correct?

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+1 for developer workshop!

+1 for developer

+1 for developer

nice! :slight_smile:

+1 for developer

+1 for developer workshop

ERPNext community is increasing very rapidly, developer workshop will help community to provide efficient developers on Frappe Framework.

It will also help if some user shares implementation story.

1 Like

Great !

+1 for Stalls.
We can plan for various stalls from Users, Service Providers and Developers showing different solutions developed over/using ERPNext. It will show the depth of ERPNext Framework to community.

Also I suggest to have a session from someone who migrated from SAP, ODOO, MS ERP, Oracle ERP to ERPNext. It will create good impact on upcoming market, if someone tells why he preferred ERPNext over other big ERP’s available in market (ofcourse with detailed story).

Can we have complete journey of ERPNext since inception till ERPNext Foundation in video format ?

Also we can plan for small games session to make it more interactive.

Kanhaiya Kale

+1 for developer

+1 for developer

+1 for Developer Workshop! :smiley:

Yeh it will be great news.

One developer workshop will help to a lot who are coming recently new to ERP frappe framework.

Nice :slight_smile: