Access Child table data using API | Maintenance Schedule


I am using REST API for getting Maintenance details.


this gives below data

  name: 'MAT-MSH-2020-00012',
  creation: '2020-12-03 13:03:27.227718',
  modified: '2020-12-03 13:03:27.456192',
  modified_by: 'email',
  owner: 'email',
  docstatus: 0,
  parent: null,
  parentfield: null,
  parenttype: null,
  idx: 0,
  naming_series: 'MAT-MSH-.YYYY.-',
  customer: 'customer',
  status: 'Draft',
  transaction_date: '2020-12-03',
  customer_name: 'customername',
  contact_person: null,
  contact_mobile: null,
  contact_email: null,
  contact_display: null,
  customer_address: 'address',
  address_display: 'address,
  territory: 'All Territories',
  customer_group: 'Commercial',
  company: 'company',
  amended_from: null,
  _user_tags: null,
  _comments: null,
  _assign: '["email"]',
  _liked_by: null,
  contact_person_name: 'contact name',
  mobile_no: 'mobile',
  maintenance_address: 'address',
  maintenance_status: 'Pending',
  notes: null,
  is_online: 0,
  amount_spend: null,
  customer_email: null,
  customer_mobile: null

But I didn’t find Items parameters.

Is there any way for getting this child table data?

I am also trying to figure this out. I came across this API forbids all access to child tables · Issue #5770 · frappe/frappe · GitHub

The github issue says, if you try to access with parent filter, it will work. But it dint work for me. It returns a permission error.

It worked. parent is the parent doctype. It is like this:
