Account Profit Loss in Journal Entry

Hello everyone,

This is my first time creating Journal Entry in ERPNext.
I’ve added all the account and the rate for all the account.
Here is some of my journal entry

But when Im trying to submit it, there is an error saying like this.

In fact, I never put 720.000 in my list account, I don’t know what is wrong with journal entry.
Anyone have advise for this?
I hope I’am not ruining my journal entry, because it have 76 rows.

Best regards,

It looks like you are trying to put an opening balance on an Income or Expense account (720.000 - GAIN AND LOSS FOREIGN EXCH CONVERSION - IDK). Opening balance is only possible for Assets, Liabilities and Equity.

Hello sir,
Thank you for replying me.
But I’m not putting 720.000 in my account list of journal entry.
So it a little bit confusing for me.
The warning keep showing up.
In my journal entry I’m adding Assets, Liabilities and Equity’s account like you said.

Best regards,

Check account type of GL it must be assets or liability

Can you check Account Type of Gain and Loss Account? It’s generally an Expense Account, which is correct. In that case, you should simply remove that account from Journal Entry, and replace with another B/L sheet account.

Hello sir,
Here are some of my list of account that I used in journal entry
As you can see there is no account called 720.
That is why the warning confused me the most
But I will double check the account’s list

Best regards,