Hi everybody! As those of you who attended the conference or saw the live stream, you’ll remember that Liyakat @lalnco and I volunteered to organize a weekly working group around the Accounts module. Here’s the proposal:
- A weekly call proposed for Thursdays at 7:00 AM EDT, 17:30 IST, 12:00 UTC, commencing on November 8th, 2018. I’ll set the agenda for the first call (later in this post) and after that we’ll do our best to be organic. Similarly, I’ll (sparsely) moderate the first few meetings and then we’ll have somebody else rotate into that responsibility.
- Like the Agriculture module working group, there will be a telegram group to organize and facilitate realtime communication. Typically the call itself will be on Google Hangouts so we can do some screen sharing.
- Typically we’ll end up meeting 3 times a month, but if you want to participate you should try to reserve whatever timeslot we land on every week.
- Generally we’re going to limit calls to an hour or 90 minutes. From our experience in the Ag group, the thing that gets us off track the fastest is airing gripes. It ends up taking a lot of time and drains accumulated positive momentum.
- For me, there are two continuous objectives of this working group that I hope you’ll embrace with me: 1) celebrate our wins and 2) hold each other accountable. That means we’re taking notes about who said they were going to do what (and when) and when somebody does something that qualifies as progress, they get positive feedback and encouragement (at least from me!). This helps us be continue to be motivated and continue contributing (code, documentation, user feedback). Criticism is expected to be voiced in a constructive and non-personal way.
- The “end goal” is determined by the group. We may decide what feature set makes ERPNext “SMB Ready” or “Enterprise Ready” and work towards that. We are not making a to-do list for Frappe Pvt Ltd. This is a community effort and in this context, Frappe is part of the community; their participation is not obligatory, but is certainly most welcome.
- Our first meeting will likely run very long (the Ag group we were having a lot of fun and it went for three hours).
- Proposed agenda:
- Introductions (who you are and why you’re here)
- Discussion of goals for the working group (bring your baggage and your wish list)
- I’d like to review any open pull requests and proposals relating to the Accounts module. We may not have time on this first call, but I think it would be a good habit to build in.
If this sounds like something you’d like to be involved with, please announce yourself and send me a direct message with your telegram handle or phone number. All are welcome! I suspect we’ll be most effective with a blend of users and programmers, so if you’re worried there isn’t a role for you in this group, I can assure you that there is.
I know it’s last year’s tagline, but let’s make this module better together.