Accounts Payable

If I duplicate the Accounts Payable Report then why that new report is not showing?

Did you create a report from the Accounts Payable? If so, please navigate to the Report list, open your custom report, and click on the “Show report” button to review the report.

I have clicked on show report but nothing is showing where as i have created this report by duplicating the Accounts payable report

Okay, You build a standard custom report, so you have to write a server script code for that. please check the 2nd video in the below reference:

Okay Thank You

We can’t do this by UI side ? we have to update this in code only? By code only we can add that?

Check the @EugeneP post:

But if you want to develop a large scale report, we suggest custom server script report and build it in your custom application.

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Okay Thank You

Hello actually i have created according to script report video but there i have added one field as MSME Supplier that is dropdown option like “Yes” and “No”

basically in my Supplier Document i have one field as MSME dropdown yes or no so i want to functionality in report like when i will select the Yes in this dropdown of report then that records should show who has the MSME yes in the supplier document basically moto is only msme supplier records should if i selected yes then and if i selected no then remaining ones should show how can i achive this logic? i was trying to do but that is not working

is this possible? How can I do this?