Accounts Receivable Summary Report Filter Issue

Hi Experts ERPNext.
Hope you all are fine and doing good.

When I try to apply filter cost center and branch wise at Account Receivable Summary Report…The following issue occuring…Kindly suggest the solution to fixit. (Same issue is showing at Accounts Receivable Report)


### App Versions

“chat”: “0.0.1”,
“erpnext”: “14.2.0”,
“frappe”: “14.8.0”,
“hrms”: “0.0.1”,
“payments”: “0.0.1”

### Route

query-report/Accounts Receivable Summary

### Trackeback

Syntax error in query:
SELECT account,voucher_type,voucher_no,against_voucher_type,against_voucher_no,party_type,cost_center,party,posting_date,due_date,account_currency,amount,amount_in_account_currency,remarks FROM tabPayment Ledger Entry WHERE delinked=0 AND party_type=%(param1)s AND company=%(param2)s AND account IN (%(param3)s,%(param4)s,%(param5)s,%(param6)s,%(param7)s,%(param8)s) AND branch=[%(param9)s] AND posting_date<=‘2024-03-07’ ORDER BY posting_date,party {‘param1’: ‘Customer’, ‘param2’: ‘Farhan Computer’, ‘param3’: ‘1310 - Debtors - FAC’, ‘param4’: ‘1652 - Bank Guarnatee - FAC’, ‘param5’: ‘1653 - PO Receivables - FAC’, ‘param6’: ‘1654 - Performance Guarantee - FAC’, ‘param7’: ‘1690 - Other Receivables - FAC’, ‘param8’: ‘1691 - Office Receivables - FAC’, ‘param9’: ‘Karachi’}

### Request Data

“type”: “GET”,
“args”: {
“report_name”: “Accounts Receivable”,
“filters”: “{"company":"Farhan Computer","report_date":"2024-03-07","ageing_based_on":"Due Date","range1":30,"range2":60,"branch":["Karachi"],"range3":90,"range4":120}”
“headers”: {},
“error_handlers”: {},
“url”: “/api/method/”

### Response Data


any solution?