Actual stock and POS stock

Dear communities:
I did the stock entry
and I did checked the quantity , is not zero like the pic below

but in POS all stock quantity of my item are zero
what happened ?

Hi @1117

Did you set warehouse on the pos profile? If not then system use the item’s default warehouse. Check available stock’s warehouse and item’s default warehouse is same or not

first,thanks for your answering and I fix that problem
but another problem appears:

after I clicked item “test”

the table is blank !?
did I do anything wrong ?

Hi @1117

We have fixed this issue, can you please pull the latest code

HI @rohit_w
Thanks for your help
the problem has been fixed :slight_smile:

Can I ask more question?
I set two companies as well as POS profile in my system.
I want to know if I can ignore the default warehouse of the item,and whenever I use POS system,it will search the warehouse I have set in POS profile.
Or it will be strange in logic that I can’t adjust warehouse of my item according to my company user.

i have same issue can you please help how to achieve this.