Add a new fieldtype

Hello ,
i need to add a new field type ,
I create a new field type permille , I add permille in options of fieldtype in doctype Docfield

and i add the permille control


I can show the per mille field with symbol


but now when i save document d’ont add the permille field in database i modify the model.js and database/ and i add permille but not save the field in data base where is the file can i modify to work store in mariadb


any help please

any help please

refer to this

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Hi everyone,

I’m encountering the same issue as previously discussed in this thread. Unfortunately, the link provided seems to be down. Could someone kindly share the code or image again?

I’d really appreciate any help or pointers to resolve this problem. Thanks in advance for your support!

Best regards,

add your field type in apps/frappe/frappe/database/mariadb/ function setup_type_map

def setup_type_map(self):
		self.db_type = "mariadb"
		self.type_map = {
                  "new_fieldtype": ("decimal", "21,9"),
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